Wednesday, September 17, 2014

News Story 6.3

Chicken Truck Causes Pile-Up

An accident occurred yesterday on McFarland Blvd. and 15th when a chicken truck driver made an illegal left turn.

Twenty-five people were injured and eleven cars were involved. The chicken truck driver, Jeff Johnson, age 45, was taken by ambulance to DCH, where he had bruises and a possible broken ankle. Johnson, from Alberta City, lives with his wife, and three children.

Clarence DiMotta reports that Johnson is in good condition. The accident caused the chickens inside the truck to be injured, 30 of which died. The police say as many as 300 chickens suffered from the accident. The truck was turned on its side when the sharp turn was made, causing a pile-up of 12 cars. The damages to the cars were minor, as well as the injuries of the 23 people that were affected.

One of the victims, Sarah Bernell, a local retired kindergarten teacher, was riding in the car with her nephew, Mike Kenyon, when the accident happened. Bernell was said to have been hurt and was taken to the hospital. The reports say that she is in good condition but may have a slight concussion. The sargeant that showed up to the scene, John Jones, said "It was the biggest pile-up I have ever seen. Lots and lots of smashed bumpers but the worst part was the screams of the chickens."

CNA sports stories

Jonathan Dywer, Cardinals' running back, arrested on aggravated assault charges

Jonathan Dywer, NFL running back for the Arizona Cardinals was arrested for assault charges Wednesday that connected him back to two different offenses at his home involving a woman and 18-month-old child. Dwyer is under investigation and the NFL is investigated the situation as well. Police say that Dywer admitted to the incidents, but denied any physical contact. 

Reggie Bush clarifies remarks on discipline, says he isn't spanking 1-year-old daughter

In a recent radio interview, Detroit Lions running back Reggie Bush made a comment about the discipline of his 1-year-old daughter. He was questioned regarding his comment about "definitely disciplining her harshly," and then elaborating on the topic. Bush mentioned that he wanted to use his judgement on the issue, believing that he will spank his daughter only if he see necessary. He mentioned he desired to keep the discipline of his daughter private. 

Joe Flacco, the Baltimore Ravens quarterback missed a wednesday practice, which was peculiar for his usual perfect attendance. Flacco, supposedly absent due to an illness, is said to still be playing in the next game. His teammates mentioned that Flacco's absence was odd and practice was not the same without him there. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Writing For the Mass Media Homework #4


Plant Accident
Who: Duane LaChance, age 53, employee of Gross Engineers
What: 3rd degree burn accident
When: 3 p.m. today
Where: Petal Municipal Plant, 222 Power Drive
Why: installing of new pipes on the roof of the plant
How:accidently touched the wrench to a power line carrying 15,000 volts.


Employee of Gross Engineers Company in Petal, Mississippi suffers from third-degree burns on September 14 after touching wrench to power line carrying 15,000 volts.

2nd Paragraph: Duane LaChance of Petal, was listed in serious condition tonight in the intensive care unit at Methodist Hospital. The accident occurred at 3 p.m. today at Petal Municipal Power Plant on 222 Power Drive.

McCartney Illness
Who: Peter McCartney, famous rock singer
What: Exploratory throat surgery
When: today, checked in late tonight, surgery scheduled tomorrow
Where: Riverside Hospital
Why: voice had been reduced to whisper
How: Performance at Bennett Auditorium in front of 1,000 fans


Lead: Famous rock singer checked into hospital for exploratory throat surgery after performance at the Bennett Auditorium.

2nd Paragraph:
Peter McCartney checked into Riverside hospital late tonight after his voice had been reduced to a whisper following his performance in front of 1,000 fans last night at the Bennett Auditorium. He will go in for exploratory surgery tomorrow.

BOE Meeting
Who: Assistant superintendent Max Hoemmeldorfer
What:Hattiesburg Board of Education Meeting
When:this morning
Why:New rules will prohibit female students from wearing miniskirts


Lead:Hattiesburg Board of Education accepted report this morning and passed new rules that will prohibit all students from wearing blue jeans, and female students from wearing miniskirts.

2nd Paragraph: Assistant superintendent Max Hoemmeldorfer reported the enrollment for the school year at the meeting, stating that it dropped by 200 students to 1,050. Along with the new rules, the board accepted a low bud from Farmer's Dairy to provide milk to the schools at one-half cent a pint.


Faculty in Plane Crash
Who:John Dumont, Associate Professor of rural sociology, George Johnson, associate professor of English, both from Backwater State University
What: TWA Jet crash
When:Thursday night
Where: crashed on takeoff at Kennedy International Airport


Lead: Two professors from Backwater State University were aboard the same TWA jet and crashed at the Kennedy International Airport on Thursday night.

2nd Paragraph: Associate Professor of rural sociology, John Dumont, and associate professor of English George Johnson were returning from separate conferences in New York City when their TWA jet crashed on takeoff. Forty-five passengers and crew members were aboard, and five people and were killed.

Meeman Speaks
Who: Norman Meeman, noted author, winner of the Pulitzer Prize
What: Spoke to audience of 67, mostly English students
When:4:30 p.m. Sunday
Where: room 111 of the William Oxley Thompson Memorial Library
How:Won the Pulitzer Prize two years ago for his book,  My Life as Far as It Goes


Lead: Noted author and Pulitzer Prize winner spoke in the William Oxley Thompson Memorial Library Sunday to an audience of 67.

2nd paragraph: Norman Meeman, who won the Pulitzer Prize two years ago for his book, "My Life as Far as It Goes" spoke to the audience in the William Oxley Thompson Memorial Library. Meeman said, "You can't be a great writer by imitating the styles of prize-winning authors..."

Professor Wins Award
Who: Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge
What: ceremony announced annual George Washington Honor Medal winners
When: last week
Where: Pennsylvania


Lead: At a ceremony last week, the Freedoms at Valley Forge announced its annual George Washington Honor Medal winners in Pennsylvania.

2nd paragraph: Among the other 32 winners at the ceremony was Clement Crabtree, a professor of horticulture. Cited for his essay called, "Plan for Peace," in which he urged distribution of free packets of red, white, and blue flower seeds in foreign nations.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ex. 5.9

Who: Air Force Major Rufus N. Herbernoski, had no known connections locally
What:  15 cars were destroyed in the mall's northern parking lot when aircraft crashed into them; no one on the ground killed
When: Today at noon
Where: Super Shopping Mall on western edge of town, was stationed at Little Rock Air Force Base
Why: Jet aircraft he was piloting crashed,

Type of Lead:Summary Lead
Lead: Today at noon 15 cars were destroyed in the Super Shopping Mall's northern parking lot when an aircraft crashed piloted by an Airforce Major who was killed upon impact, however, no one on the ground was killed or injured.

A major from Little Rock Air Force Base was killed and 15 cars destroyed after a jet crash noon Thursday at the Super Shopping Mall.

City Council:

Who: City Council
What: 10 percent increase in city proper taxes
When: this morning
Where: Town Hall
Why: double size of city park
How: Increase will cause average taxes to go up by about $50 yearly, higher rate takes effect at the first of next month,

Type of Lead:Summary Lead
Lead: This morning the City Council met at Town Hall in which they decided on a 10 percent increase in city proper taxes which will take effect at the first of next month, causing the average taxes to go up by about $50 yearly for the purpose of paying to double the size of city park.

University Raises:

Who: university vice president for finance, Harold R. Drazsnzak
What: an announcement that all faculty and staff will get 15 percent pay raises, first raise in two years
When:take effect this fall
Where: front steps of the university administration building
Why: possible because of increased revenues from the state
How:"Without a doubt, our faculty is long overdue to get a raise."

Type of Lead:Summary Lead
Lead: Columbia University's vice president for finance made an announcement this morning on the front steps of the university administration building stating the faculty and staff will get 15 percent raises, the first in two years, which will take effect this fall due to the increased revenues from the state.

For the first time since 2012, Liberty University employees will receive a 15 percent pay raise this fall after an increase in state funding for the school.

 Journalism Students Meet

Who: Journalism Student Association, about 200 students
What: Tuition is supposed to go up by 10 percent beginning in the fall semester
When: Today at noon
Where: the University
Why: Members decided to organize a boycott of all journalism classes tomorrow to protest university tuition increase

Type of Lead:Straight Lead
Lead: Today at noon about 200 students met for the Journalism Student Association to discuss tuition about to go up 10 percent in the fall semester, upon which they decided to organize a boycott to protest against the university tuition increase.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

CNA #2

Justin Bieber Charged With Assault after ATV Incident in Canada

Pop singer Justin Bieber was arrested on August 29 for assault and dangerous driving charges after colliding with a mini van while driving his ATV. The incident occurred in Ontario, Canada, while Bieber was visiting his father's home. Bieber was released upon giving the charges but will have to appear back in Ontario for an upcoming court case.

13 Injured in Nevada Museum Explosion

A tornado experiment went wrong on September 3 and 13 people were injured. Nine children and four adults were taken to the hospital for treatment for there burns, and chemical reactions. It has not been released whether the injuries are life threatening.

Facebook's Autoplay Feature is Destroying Cell Phone Bills

There have been many complaints of the autoplay Facebook feature for videos maxing out people's data bills without them knowing. In order to fix it, smart phone users must go to their phone settings and simply turn off the autoplay feature. Facebook is not responsible for the data charges.

Writing for the Mass Media Homework #3

1. The first annual rutabaga eating contest was canceled because of the averse weather. (take out annual, adverse)
2. Its not alright to drink an access of beer before going to the football game. (It's, all right, excess)
3. Like Einstein said, all knowledge is relative. (As Einstein)
4. The state capital of LA is located at 3722 Dagwood Rd. (Capitol, Louisiana, Road)
5. The Mayor refused to go along with the City Council vote. "I descent," he stated. (mayor, dissent)
6. Madonna certainly has a flare for fashion; she always wears expensive outfits. (flair)
7. The bomb totally destroyed Senator Kitsmoot's bird cage. (Sen.)
8. My bright-green Chevrolet, which is in the garage, needs a new transition. (commas)
9. Knopke's hilarious joke illicited waiting for the job interview to begin. (elicited)
10. Jones laid on the floor waiting for the new job interview to begin. (lay)
11. Horowitz, an ethics major, vowed never to compromise his prinicpals. (principles)
12. At the end of the book report, Haynes sited the World Book as a source. (cited)

1. 25-year-old man, Mississippi
2. Nov. 10
3. Drive., St.
4. $130
5. North
6. 7 p.m., remove this evening
7. terrorists
8. twenty-two
9. no change
10. no change
11.Smith, $50, Chevrolet
12. governor, California, Sept. 1.
13. Drive
14. 1970s

1. August
2. Sen.
3. 1,200, Easter
4. 1980s
6. 8 percent
7. $40
8. three, Ave.
9. Midwest, 2 feet
10. December 11
11. thursday, mayor
12. 2 million miles
13. Dr.
14. 8 p.m., Gov., Library

Monday, September 1, 2014

Writing For the Mass Media Homework #2

1. He was charged with trafficing and drugs. (trafficking)
2. The Rev. Billy Grahm said God was alive and His will would triumph. (Graham, his)
3. The flag, which Francis Scott Key saw, has been preserved. (no change)
4. Life like, outfielder, inter racial, IOUs
5. Pianoes, (Pianos), nationwide, PTA., Viet-nam War (Vietnam War)
6. The train will arrive at twelve noon on Tues. (noon, take out on, Tuesday)
7. The US Census Bureau defines the south as a Seventeen-state region. (U.S., South, 16-state region)
8. The judge ruled that because of his oral skills he had entered into a verbal contract. (verbal, an oral)
9. She had an afternoon snack of some Oreo cookies and Coke. (no change, or take out cookies, add s)
10. harrass, accomodate, weird, likeable, (harass, accommodate, weird, likable)
11. doughnut, pantsuit, plow, National Weather Service

1. The defense department is about to propose to a new missele system. ( Defense Department, missile)
2. FCC, hitchhiker, $3, 4 million
3. The three most important people in his life are his wife, son and mother.
4. part-time, 10-year-old child, 5 p.m., 5,300
5. The cardinals won the last game of the world series, 7 to 5. (Cardinals, World Series,7-5)
6. spring (season), fall (season), south (point on compass), South (region)
7. November 15, the last day of Feb., Mar. 16 (Nov. 15, February, March)
8. 13 people travelled to Austin, Tex., for the rally. (Thirteen, traveled, Texas,.)
9. He had ten cents left in his pocket. (10)
10. homemade, well-known, Italian-American, questionnaire

1. The U.S. is sometimes not the best market for U.S. products. (United States, U.S.)
2. upward, labour, Avenue,cupfuls, eyeing
3. The Republican differed from the democrat many times during the debate. (Democrat, with)
4. Dr. John Smith and Dr. Mary Wilson performed the operations. (Drs.)
5. goodwill, USS Eisenhower, cigarett, mid-America
6. He said he was neither a Communist or a member of the Communist Party. (communist, neither/nor)
7. After her surgery, she said she had to wear a Pacemaker. (pacemaker)
8. "What a hair-brained scheme!" she exclaimed. (hare-brained)
9. pre-empt,speedup, 55 mph, hooky
10. The underworld, or mafia, was responsible for the murder.(Mafia)