Monday, September 1, 2014

Writing For the Mass Media Homework #2

1. He was charged with trafficing and drugs. (trafficking)
2. The Rev. Billy Grahm said God was alive and His will would triumph. (Graham, his)
3. The flag, which Francis Scott Key saw, has been preserved. (no change)
4. Life like, outfielder, inter racial, IOUs
5. Pianoes, (Pianos), nationwide, PTA., Viet-nam War (Vietnam War)
6. The train will arrive at twelve noon on Tues. (noon, take out on, Tuesday)
7. The US Census Bureau defines the south as a Seventeen-state region. (U.S., South, 16-state region)
8. The judge ruled that because of his oral skills he had entered into a verbal contract. (verbal, an oral)
9. She had an afternoon snack of some Oreo cookies and Coke. (no change, or take out cookies, add s)
10. harrass, accomodate, weird, likeable, (harass, accommodate, weird, likable)
11. doughnut, pantsuit, plow, National Weather Service

1. The defense department is about to propose to a new missele system. ( Defense Department, missile)
2. FCC, hitchhiker, $3, 4 million
3. The three most important people in his life are his wife, son and mother.
4. part-time, 10-year-old child, 5 p.m., 5,300
5. The cardinals won the last game of the world series, 7 to 5. (Cardinals, World Series,7-5)
6. spring (season), fall (season), south (point on compass), South (region)
7. November 15, the last day of Feb., Mar. 16 (Nov. 15, February, March)
8. 13 people travelled to Austin, Tex., for the rally. (Thirteen, traveled, Texas,.)
9. He had ten cents left in his pocket. (10)
10. homemade, well-known, Italian-American, questionnaire

1. The U.S. is sometimes not the best market for U.S. products. (United States, U.S.)
2. upward, labour, Avenue,cupfuls, eyeing
3. The Republican differed from the democrat many times during the debate. (Democrat, with)
4. Dr. John Smith and Dr. Mary Wilson performed the operations. (Drs.)
5. goodwill, USS Eisenhower, cigarett, mid-America
6. He said he was neither a Communist or a member of the Communist Party. (communist, neither/nor)
7. After her surgery, she said she had to wear a Pacemaker. (pacemaker)
8. "What a hair-brained scheme!" she exclaimed. (hare-brained)
9. pre-empt,speedup, 55 mph, hooky
10. The underworld, or mafia, was responsible for the murder.(Mafia)

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