Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Broadcast Critique Blogpost

During the local Lynchburg news on ABC 13, I was so interested in the way that the news reporters presented themselves. I have never been much of a news watcher, mainly because it stresses me out or makes me mad in some way. I am from Atlanta, and whenever I watched the Atlanta Live news, it was always intense and so deep with conflicts. Watching the local Lynchburg news was so refreshing, giving a different perspective of smaller current events happening. It gave that small town feel and close-knit community setting.

The three factors for writing for Broadcast were all within the the news. Timeliness was given when the reporters were shot live outside of crime scenes or story settings. This gave the viewers more of a visual and better understanding. One story about a young boy that died in Lynchburg was very touching. His grandmother created a Christmas tree outside of her house with ornaments with his picture on it for the community to remember him. These kind of stories are heartfelt, and what I feel is important to include in local news.

Audio/Visual impact was given as well. Music was played in between transitions, which gave a nice flow to the presentation. Naturally, visual is always given during the weather news presentation which allows the viewers to see the progression on a map. For reporters, their transitions for upcoming news stories were helpful to know what the next topic of news was. Good visuals as well as good interviews is what make the news entertaining. One news reporter, Carleigh Griffeth, spoke very clearly and made her local news story intriguing. The visual of her standing outside of the house reporting the crime scene allowed for a direct visual to the story.

Information, not explanation, was given through short stories and the transitions between news subjects. This aspect of news reporting is so important because it brings clarity and is what mainly draws the viewer's attention. Viewers want to hear the news spoken clearly and with the most important information being given.

The reporters for ABC 13 were more personal in the way they spoke. Even the weather guy was slightly humorous. The stories for the local news were of course smaller stories, relating to local individuals and even several Liberty sports players. One Liberty soccer player, a girl, was recently injured yet she will be playing again soon after recovering from her injury. It was even neat to see Liberty being featured on the local news, discussing the success of the football team. Coach Gill was interviewed as well as several of the players on their recent victories. 

The broadcast style differs from print style in that it is a lot less formal in wording. The differences between print and broadcast news is that broadcast news is written for listeners and viewers turning in with their ears and sometimes their eyes. Reporters and newscasters speak with less proper language, and they are more informative. Information needs to be direct when listening to the news because that it what the listeners want to hear. They want to hear the news story in such a way that only the most necessary information is given.

ABC 13 was great live stream, and gave great necessary information from what I saw. 

ABC 13:  http://new.livestream.com/accounts/7960773/events/2923711

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

11.1 Tuition Decrease // Press Release

For more information contact
Katherine S. McBroom
Liberty University
(770) 855-1655

For release after 11:45 a.m.
Friday, Nov. 12

Liberty University Announces Upcoming Tuition Decrease

The board of trustees at Liberty University has announced that tuition will be decreased for all students: in state, out-of-state, graduate students, and undergraduates. The president of the university, Dr. Jerry Falwell Jr., has issued this agreement from the board towards this significant action.

The programs are to be cut are women's studies, ornithology department, arts and sciences honors program, women's golf team, men's golf team, human resources management institute, university hosts and hostesses program, and the department of Eastern languages.

Falwell issued a statement saying, "I am extremely pleased that the board has seen fit to follow our recommendations on lowering tuition costs. During the past several years, we have had to raise tuition a number of times for all our students. Out of state students have been particularly hard-hit. For some time, we have been afraid that we have been pricing ourselves out of the market, even with in-state students. With more and more people attending junior colleges and other universities in the state, we have recognized that those who want to come to this university must have some relief."

Monday, November 3, 2014

Move Those Chains // Ad Project


Copy Platform

Ad subject: Liberty Football Games

Ad Problem: Student attendance has decreased within the last 5 years at the football games and the marketing department would like to increase the numbers in student attendance.

Product Characteristics: 

  • More than just a social event
  • The first 1,000 students to show up gets free Liberty T-shirts
  • Each home game is treated as a hall event for each dorm 
  • Each game will have a different theme with costumes for the student section
  • A special guest will perform the national anthem at halftime 
  • Coupons to Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby's, and Starbucks will be handed out as students walk in

Advertising Objective: Let Liberty students know that football games are worth going to for the fun atmosphere

Target Market: All Liberty students that are residential or living off campus.
Competition: Other activities that take up a students' life such as employment, hanging out with friends, school work, outdoor activities, etc.

Statement of Benefit or Appeal: 

  • Have a great experience as a Liberty Student that will be rememberable 
  • Come together not only as a student body but as the Body of Christ to support the Flames
  • Get free stuff such as T-Shirts, Liberty coffee mugs, coupons, and more!
  • Listen to a guest singer lead the National Anthem 
  • Socialize and gain school spirit 

Creative Theme: "Move Those Chains" - making Liberty Football a student's experience of a lifetime

Supportive Selling Points:

  • Students attend free
  • Food will be handed out in the stands such as cotton candy, popcorn, and more!

"Move those chains! Move those chains! Ah!" At Williams Stadium, football games are more than just a sport where two teams come together in an attempt to both win; they are the atmosphere of a crowd of people that are passionate and spirited about their university!

By coming to a Liberty University football game, you will be given a free:
  • Liberty T-shirt
  • coupons to Chick-Fil-A, Starbucks, & Zaxby's
  • Liberty coffee mug 
  • and much more! 
Residential students will enjoy participating with their dorms and experiencing new and creative themes for each home game such as American pride, super heroes, and hillbilly home game! Prizes will be given to each dorm for who has the best costume and school spirit. 

Not only do students get to attend for free, but each student will be treated to a free cotton candy treat that will be handed out in the stands. There is even a special guest performing at each half time show, and you don't want to miss it!

Students gather for each home game to show their support for Liberty Flames football, screaming chants like, "Move those chains! Move those chains! Ah!" To go along with that chant, Liberty University would love for its students to do just like the football players and move their chains on over to Williams Stadium for an experience of a lifetime. 

Monday, October 27, 2014


Print Advertisement

Name: Merle Oberon
Advertisement: Pan-Cake Make-Up

1. What is the promise of benefit offered by this headline? Lovely new complexion, conceal tiny complexion faults, stay on for hours

2. How does the illustration demonstrate the product? How does it attract attention?
Gives drawings of examples, model with glowing skin and no blemishes

3. What proofs of the promise of benefit in the headline are offered by the body copy?
the Hollywood stars have used it

4. What action does this ad tell readers to take?
Try it today for a new beauty thrill

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Words Have the Power to Produce Change

Today's culture is seemingly becoming more and more sinful. Magazines, tabloids, social media, etc., is filled with things that possess an ungodly nature. As Christians, it is our responsibility to not conform to the things of this world, but rather be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2 NIV).

Words are very powerful. The way we use them is an expression of what we believe, and if we truly believe what we say. In the advertising world, it can be a challenge to express one's opinion particularly if it involves basing your beliefs on faith. It seems as if Christians are constantly the ones to get attacked when it comes to expressing opinions. When working in the field of persuasion, it is important as a Christian to stand firm on Biblical truth and to not falter on beliefs because that is what we have been called to do. I believe that if we take a stand for Christ and for the truth, that God will for sure honor that because He takes care of His children.

Because their is sin in the world, it is always going to be a dangerous place. I do not think that Christians should keep their opinions to themselves just in fear of what others might think. In the end, that is not what is going to matter. I think that Christians should be able to work in advertising or any kind of persuading job, and be able to rightly state their opinion.

I think it is also okay for Christians to encourage consumer loyalty to brands even above reason. However, the main focus should be pointing others to Christ. The focus should remain clear and the truth should be spread. In the advertising world, it may look like idolatry of products, but it is also a job that can be used to draw others to Christ depending on how you look at it.

Christians have a responsibility to act, think, and speak Christ to the world. Jesus calls us to share the gospel, no matter what, and to ultimately love Him above all else.

7.4 Fall Fashion // Consignment & Thrift Shopping

One hobby that has become more popular in the last 5 years or so is thrifting. The thought of buying older and more vintage style of clothing allows trends to go in and out of style. One way to "revamp" your wardrobe for the fall season is through thrifting and shopping at local consignment stores.

Many consignment stores will have new or barely used clothing for sale - sometimes with the tag still on it! It is a great way to get more for less. I personally love to shop consignment, especially since I am a poor college student!

While in consignment stores, look for things that are in the  current season or may even be name-brand items. You never know what you are going to find while thrifting.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

7.4 Fall Fashion: Magazines

According to Elle Magazine, New York Fashion Week brought about new ideas, fresh new styles, and bright new colors to the runway. If you are looking for unique ways to style your fall wardrobe, magazines such as Elle can be a great source to look through to gain ideas. Elle's blog posts on New York Fashion Week listed fresh new styles to bring to the season such as: 

  • Bold rainbow colors
  • Off-white tops
  • Tall boots
  • Big black hats
  • Flowy tops
  • Army jackets

Magazines provide stories, quotes, and photos that are a big game-changer in the advertising world. Look to magazines this fall as a great source for ideas.