Sunday, October 19, 2014

Words Have the Power to Produce Change

Today's culture is seemingly becoming more and more sinful. Magazines, tabloids, social media, etc., is filled with things that possess an ungodly nature. As Christians, it is our responsibility to not conform to the things of this world, but rather be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2 NIV).

Words are very powerful. The way we use them is an expression of what we believe, and if we truly believe what we say. In the advertising world, it can be a challenge to express one's opinion particularly if it involves basing your beliefs on faith. It seems as if Christians are constantly the ones to get attacked when it comes to expressing opinions. When working in the field of persuasion, it is important as a Christian to stand firm on Biblical truth and to not falter on beliefs because that is what we have been called to do. I believe that if we take a stand for Christ and for the truth, that God will for sure honor that because He takes care of His children.

Because their is sin in the world, it is always going to be a dangerous place. I do not think that Christians should keep their opinions to themselves just in fear of what others might think. In the end, that is not what is going to matter. I think that Christians should be able to work in advertising or any kind of persuading job, and be able to rightly state their opinion.

I think it is also okay for Christians to encourage consumer loyalty to brands even above reason. However, the main focus should be pointing others to Christ. The focus should remain clear and the truth should be spread. In the advertising world, it may look like idolatry of products, but it is also a job that can be used to draw others to Christ depending on how you look at it.

Christians have a responsibility to act, think, and speak Christ to the world. Jesus calls us to share the gospel, no matter what, and to ultimately love Him above all else.

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